Tuesday, October 30, 2007




By Fahredin Shehu
October 2007, Prishtinë, Kosovë

There are two Jewish writers I really appreciate till adornment; its Gustave Meyrink and Isaac Bashevis Singer and they taught me about the Legend of the Golem of Prague created by the founder of Hasidism; a Jewish Mystic Baal Shem Tov. The Golem Clay manlike creature was created to protect the Jews from the atrocities of Christians toward the Ashkenazi Jews. The Legend ends tragically that Golem became insubordinate to a master…thus now we have a Golem State USA and it’s policy to really at the end unite two billion Muslims all around the world by suppressing whatever is of Muslim value although USA a Democratic that respects human rights but seems only in its yard. Democracy is typically Darwinist type of leadership when the strongest wins for its existence so in order to achieve this one must fight whatever is alien to its lack of proper and unbiased communication. Thus USA is really attempting to finally unite Muslim once achieved separation with the extreme support to Zionist’s atrocities in Palestine, Iraq War and conflict with Iran on nuclear energy. Now we have Turkey on the queue with Nancy Pelosi initiative for Armenian bill for the genocide of Ottoman Empire that does not exists. Maybe in a few years we’ll have a bill to Egypt of Rhamses II or Tuthmose III (for this Historians have to decide) that expelled Moses with the children of Israel form Egypt.

It’s this very Jews (primarily AIPAC) that should arise against Pelosi and peers as its public secret that Turkey is training Israeli Pilots and Israel is training Turkish Intelligence. It’s this Turkey that stands as the bridge for crossing from Medieval to a Contemporary type of Muslim rule, it’s this very Turkey in other hand that serves as litmus for other Muslim countries as for how should deal with the wealthy and materialistically developed West but not with the spiritual one since a barbarian is dormant and he is evoked by so called American Armageddonists and oh…yeah and Tancredo desire to bombard Mekka and Medina which will really unite even the most liberal category of Muslims. With all the service that Turkey as the only Muslim country founder of NATO Alliance have done has not been caressed as Serbia for instance but punished instead for the inherited atrocities from Corpora Empire that left a distinguished remnants in the history of mankind. Now seems that what Muslims didn’t act to unite so far USA will urge them to do so.

What Turkey may now do is to make a political, economic and military Alliance with the Turkish descendent countries as Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan etc. since seems that Europe will never accept Turkey in EU just as without any bewilderment EU watched with crossed hands how Milosevic slayer 8000 people in Srebrenica and about to do similar in Kosova and this happened just yesterday not 100 years ago.

The New World Order has to flow with its natural Adagio not as MC Donald or instant Illumination through Transcendental Meditation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The Roman Empire lasted for five centuries just as Ottoman one not because of hasty or instant decisions but because of its natural development, since its very easy now to destroy the world but much… much… much… difficult to make it beautiful safe and sound.

It was Medieval West that translated Islam into understandable language having Ibn Rushd as Averroës, Ibn Sina as Avicenna, Ibn Arabi as Doctor Maximus now the turn is on USA to do so firstly by giving more equal opportunity to Muslims par excellence in order to diminish the role of so-called Islam-fascist that are the outcome of confusing attitude of the world political powers VS Islam.

I do strongly believe that American Jews will play intelligent role and find the way of dialogue with Muslims particularly with Turkey as they did in Al Andalusia before some new American Ferdinand and Isabel expatriate them from USA in the years to come.

published also in www.worldbulletin.com

Israfil Sirche


by master Sirche




Israfil Sirche


sa fjale ka thene kjo goje njeriu
ne kujtese mbeten te faqosura
me mijera pete te materieve te ndryshme
e te paktat kishin boje dashurie
qe ta mbajne si fiksatori parfumin
erandjen ta ndjej une i hutuar
me ate bukuri qe s'plaket
dhe vetem keto mbesin tatoo
ne kanjonet e perhimta te trurit
momentalisht ruajne freskun e veses
se mbarsur me faren e diellit

fahredin shehu



te dashur njerez te dashur vellezer
degjoni kumtin tim
rrefimin spekter
ne prizmin e zemres suaj te kaloj
ikja ime me mendje te kthimit
po ju sjell si vale deti
copeza te qenies se pjekur
po ju rrefej se
rrjeti i smagradte i qenies se saje
zuri peshkun e arte te shpirtit tim
ta bej kashate te Dashurise se madhe
qe jep fuqi trupit te shenjte
i cili tevona mekon
foshnjen e palindur ne zemrat tuaja
dhe mos kujto se ky kumt
ketu mbaron...

fahredin shehu

Portret nga Veton Vehapi

foto Veton Vehapi

Monday, October 01, 2007



za Fahredina Šehua

Kad god udem u kupatilo stavim
I reze na vrata bez obzira
Što u stanu nikog nema

To ima mislim cvrste veze
Sa uznegovanošcu
Mojih trauma

Sa strahovima da se moja nagost
Uvredljivo ne raspe
Po punini kuce

Po zidovima na kojima vise
Dostojanstva znaci
Leuhe slike sura

Jer jedno su
Miline kad su tela
Naga a drugo je uskrsnuce

Kad su tela odeta u haljine uma