Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Glorification of the divine image II

Two years ago I tasked myself to write a short essay about the work of Kosovar artist/painter Mr. Artan Balaj.
The essay had the same title as this one therefore I’m constrained to draft this as a second part of the same phenomenon but observed from different perspective.
This time I talk about Paulo Coelho’s book “The Witch of Portobello “.

I have drawn the images in my mental screen to the whole story which in understandable language may sound as Artistic narration of the scientific argument.
In the loom of Mircea Eliade’s opus especially Mephistopheles and Androgen-please refer to the section on Navel, Coelho waved craftily, artistically his novel to promote the philosophy of Wicca, which he links to his character Deirdre O’Neil known as Eda, to the Druidic past as substratum for the Wicca.

What impresses me in Canadian Musician Loreena Mc Kennitt art is the creation of musical symbiosis od Orient and Occident especially influenced in her set The night across the Caucasus, by the philosophy of Murat Yagan, the last elder of Ahmsta Kebzeh or Caucasian yoga Tradition.
Coelho does the same with his book openly displaying his influence by Khalil Gibran, a Lebanese to simulate this in his charismatic character Sherina Khalil (read: East) known as Athina (All-knowing goddess- read: West).
Both Mc Kennitt with her music and Coelho with his book are projecting the product od Orient/ Occident amalgam not as curse but as blessing thus potently, resourcefully he concept of Clash of civilization.

The Gnosis of Pistis Sophia and the Tradition brings us to Rene Guenon and deliberately he starts the story with Luke 11.33, showing himself as (gr.) Daduchos or a Torchbearer
Successfully he achieves to put a light on less known material (Entirely) and more particularly to the festival of the French village Saintes Maries de la Mer, to celebrate the dark goddess of Hindu Kali or Saint Sara or Sara Kali or Black Sara; a goddess that unifies all Roma people around the world who are obliged to once in a lifetime to pilgrimage the tomb of Saint Sara.
To celebrate the Mother of creation calls it (hin.) Kali, (Heb.) Shekina, (gr.) Gaia or Saint Sara, all links us to WICCA.

Through this novel Coelho again sparkles his wisdom and offers to a reader a metaphysical palette of not only the spectrum but also the dimensions bellow and above it i.e infrared and ultraviolet.

This is a book dedicated to all those purified souls washed from all dirt of prejudices and stereotypes.
…a healthy reading for the body and soul.

To be a good writer you ought to have a knowledge and wisdom; Coelho posses them both.

Fahredin Shehu

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