Thursday, April 14, 2011

The wedding of the “I”

The Time’s Organza,
Subtly covered the torso,
of my being

The bride I am my Beloved
The bride of Love
And when I’m in Love with You
I’m in Love with Humanity

They all came to celebrate!!!

Your shine pulses in my heart
It’s about to blast a word
Only a word for my,
Overwhelming surrenderance

Till I extinguish in the spark
Of eternity
Dispersed throughout the heaven
Layered in all:
Imaginable semi- imaginable, and
Unimaginable dimensions

For the poor mortals as I
After awakening from this
Divine ecstasy
To remain intoxicated, and
See the diamond tears
Of all those,
In Love

Monday, April 11, 2011

Professor William Chittick interview with Press TV

Quranic origins of Sufism

The rain

I soaked the saffron in the hot water
To color my basmati for the guests I wait
When the rain begin to fall
All petals of the white roses felt
Beneath my feet

But I never stepped them to squeeze their mystery
They remain silent
I remained silent
But I colored them red
And put the star the cross and the crescent in their heart
And kept the diamond to save in the heart of the lotus
The Amen for the rose
The Oum for the lily

The green gown

He came naked
While encroaching the grass leafs, he
Left the footsteps shining emerald in the wet soil
The moon was full and the Jupiter
Is so close to Earth?

Tonight I undress
I’m naked; sleeping in old celestial nuptials
Feathers of goose disperse in the air
And in my crown the one of peacock
Waves the air and spreads the fragrance
Of the last breath of the killed beauty

I found the green gown of him
He was semi Angel
An eternal voyager passing through
the tunnels of the cosmos
Wanted to unify the spirits
But I was lost in earthly sins
And remain Human