Poetry is the Act of crystallizing the Fluid of Soul into Word---Poezia është akt i kristalizimit te fluidit shpirtëror në fjalë ©Fahredin Shehu
Monday, January 28, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Intervistë me shkrimtarin Fahredin Shehu, pjesëmarrës në Mbrëmjet poetike në Sarajevë
Ne kemi vlera që mund t’ia prezantojmë botës së artit
Z. Shehu, ju e përfaqësuat Kosovën në Mbrëmjet ndërkomnëtare të poezisë në Sarajevë. Si u prezantuat në këtë manifestim ?
Fahredin Shehu : Bazuar në faktin se poezitë e mia ishin përkthyer në revistën “Stav” që botohet në Tuzëll vitin e kaluar, pikërisht kjo ndikoi që ftesa të më vijë mua. U prezantova me poezinë “pas heshtjes së gjatë” ,e që u interpetua edhe nga aktorja Dina Selimovq në gjuhën boshnjake. Në këtë manifestim kulturore të përmasave botërore, ku kishte poetë nga shumë vende të botës. Pritja ishte e jashtëzakonshme dhe nuk kam vërejtur asnjë dallim në trajtim nga nikoqiri, përkundrazi u ndjeva jashtëzakonisht mire dhe jetoj me kujtimet e Sarajevës.
Si qëndron letërsia shqipe në këtë konglomerat kulturash ?
Fatkeqësisht letërsia shqipe nuk është e njohur sa duhet në arenën e kulturës botërore. Shumë shkrimtarë, me të cilët pata fatin të kontaktoj, nuk njihnin shumë shkrimtarë shqiptarë, përjashtuar Kadarenë dhe Ali Podrimen . Unë do të përpiqem që të përgatis një antologji me shkrimtarë tjerë kosovarë e më pas ta botojmë diku jashtë vendit. Ne nuk e konsumojmë artin e artistëve tanë dhe nuk i çmojmë sa duhet ata. Në Sarajevë vërejta se ne kemi vlera dhe mund të konkurojmë me letërsitë që krijohen në botë sot. Ka shkrimtarë dhe botues që do të donin të kishin ndonjë përmbledhje krijimesh artistike nga Kosova .
Domethënia e pjesëmarrjes Tuaj në Sarajevë ?
Pjesëmarrja nuk ka domethënie të madhe vetëm për mua si krijues, por kjo do të thotë shumë edhe për Kosovën. Unë prezantova pjesë të poezisë që kultivohet sot tek ne dhe kjo ka ngjallur interesimin e të pranishmëve. Gjatë kësaj kohe kam marrë një seri ftesash nga poetë, shkrimtarë e botues evropianë e botërorë dhe kjo është gjë e mire. Niveli I ariti kosvovar është në nivel të ulët, ngase këtu investohet pak për këtë veprimtari. Deri sa diku veprat artisike me vlerë botohen 10 mijë deri në 15 mijë kopje, kjo tek ne bëhet në disa qindra, pavarësisht vlerave artistike që përmban.
Në kontaktet që kam pasur me disa botues e shkrimtarë, kam marrë pëlqimin që romani im “Nektarina” të përkthehet në Izrael, Suedi, Kroaci, Serbi, Bosnjë e Hercegovinë e gjetkë dhe kjo do të ndihmojë në ndërkombëtarizimin e letërsisë shqipe në botë.
Intervistoi : Qemajl Krasniqi, Gazeta LAJM
Z. Shehu, ju e përfaqësuat Kosovën në Mbrëmjet ndërkomnëtare të poezisë në Sarajevë. Si u prezantuat në këtë manifestim ?
Fahredin Shehu : Bazuar në faktin se poezitë e mia ishin përkthyer në revistën “Stav” që botohet në Tuzëll vitin e kaluar, pikërisht kjo ndikoi që ftesa të më vijë mua. U prezantova me poezinë “pas heshtjes së gjatë” ,e që u interpetua edhe nga aktorja Dina Selimovq në gjuhën boshnjake. Në këtë manifestim kulturore të përmasave botërore, ku kishte poetë nga shumë vende të botës. Pritja ishte e jashtëzakonshme dhe nuk kam vërejtur asnjë dallim në trajtim nga nikoqiri, përkundrazi u ndjeva jashtëzakonisht mire dhe jetoj me kujtimet e Sarajevës.
Si qëndron letërsia shqipe në këtë konglomerat kulturash ?
Fatkeqësisht letërsia shqipe nuk është e njohur sa duhet në arenën e kulturës botërore. Shumë shkrimtarë, me të cilët pata fatin të kontaktoj, nuk njihnin shumë shkrimtarë shqiptarë, përjashtuar Kadarenë dhe Ali Podrimen . Unë do të përpiqem që të përgatis një antologji me shkrimtarë tjerë kosovarë e më pas ta botojmë diku jashtë vendit. Ne nuk e konsumojmë artin e artistëve tanë dhe nuk i çmojmë sa duhet ata. Në Sarajevë vërejta se ne kemi vlera dhe mund të konkurojmë me letërsitë që krijohen në botë sot. Ka shkrimtarë dhe botues që do të donin të kishin ndonjë përmbledhje krijimesh artistike nga Kosova .
Domethënia e pjesëmarrjes Tuaj në Sarajevë ?
Pjesëmarrja nuk ka domethënie të madhe vetëm për mua si krijues, por kjo do të thotë shumë edhe për Kosovën. Unë prezantova pjesë të poezisë që kultivohet sot tek ne dhe kjo ka ngjallur interesimin e të pranishmëve. Gjatë kësaj kohe kam marrë një seri ftesash nga poetë, shkrimtarë e botues evropianë e botërorë dhe kjo është gjë e mire. Niveli I ariti kosvovar është në nivel të ulët, ngase këtu investohet pak për këtë veprimtari. Deri sa diku veprat artisike me vlerë botohen 10 mijë deri në 15 mijë kopje, kjo tek ne bëhet në disa qindra, pavarësisht vlerave artistike që përmban.
Në kontaktet që kam pasur me disa botues e shkrimtarë, kam marrë pëlqimin që romani im “Nektarina” të përkthehet në Izrael, Suedi, Kroaci, Serbi, Bosnjë e Hercegovinë e gjetkë dhe kjo do të ndihmojë në ndërkombëtarizimin e letërsisë shqipe në botë.
Intervistoi : Qemajl Krasniqi, Gazeta LAJM
Sot më vdieset e nuk di përse
As per t’u bashkuar me Zotin mall nuk ka ky mallkim
As per t’u bashkuar me vetën nuk ç’mallet ky lëngim
Lotët lavë m’i thajnë kapilaret e syve i djegin fare
Gjaku magmë ma ndan trupin e zemrës coftinë fare
Shpirti parfum avullohet mbushë mushkëritë e mëkatarëve
Fryma ballsam kullohet mbushë palcat e mëkatarëve
Trupi nyje më lidhet
Shikon si kalohet pa u vërejtur
Jeta është emër i bukur
Bie si petale e trëndafilit të bardhë
Këndova për ata
Ata janë unë dhe vdesim tok
Sot më vdiset e nuk di
As per t’u bashkuar me vetën nuk ç’mallet ky lëngim
Lotët lavë m’i thajnë kapilaret e syve i djegin fare
Gjaku magmë ma ndan trupin e zemrës coftinë fare
Shpirti parfum avullohet mbushë mushkëritë e mëkatarëve
Fryma ballsam kullohet mbushë palcat e mëkatarëve
Trupi nyje më lidhet
Shikon si kalohet pa u vërejtur
Jeta është emër i bukur
Bie si petale e trëndafilit të bardhë
Këndova për ata
Ata janë unë dhe vdesim tok
Sot më vdiset e nuk di
Prezantimi ne Gazeten Al ahbar, Kajro
من أعلام المفكرين البارزين في كوسوفا
فخر الدين شيهو – Fahredin Shehu
وجهوده في ثراء التراث الأدبي الألباني
بقلم:الأستاذ الدكتور/ بكر إسماعيل الكوسوفي
الأدب الألباني بفنيه الشعر والنثر حدثت له طفرة تقدمية في المائة سنة الأخيرة وذلك بسبب قيام رجال الأدب والثقافة الألبان بواجبهم تجاه التراث الأدبي الألباني، وعملوا بكل قوة وبذلوا كل جهد للحفاظ على الهوية الأدبية الألبانية.
وبناء على ذلك ظهرت على الساحة أعمال أدبية في قمة الروعة والجمال، سواء في الشعر أو في النثر، وغدت الأمة الألبانية من أبرز الأمم التي تنعم بتراث أصيل ينال الجوائز التقديرية في الندوات والمسابقات والمهرجانات ، وحقق الألبان في هذا المضمار شوطاً كبيراً.
والسيد الأستاذ الأديب والشاعر فخر الدين شيهو واحد من أبرز الأدباء الألبان الذين بذلوا جهوداً مضنية من أجل حماية التراث الأدبي الألباني، والحفاظ عليه وتنميته لأقصى درجة ممكنة ومن يقرأ مشوار حياته يلاحظ أنه من الأدباء والشعراء المبرزين ليس فقط على الساحة المحلية وإنما أيضا على الساحة الدولية وهذا بدوره يعطيه مكانة مرموقة في صفوف الأدباء الألبان.
والأديب فخر الدين شيهو لم يصل إلى هذه المكانة جزافاً، وإنما بعد دراسات متعمقة في الأدب الشرقي والغربي، وتمكنه من معرفة الاتجاهات الأدبية والشعرية محلياً ودولياً، إذ أنه درس في جامعة بريشتينا – قسم الدراسات الشرقية من سنة 1990 وحتى سنة 1997م، ثم واصل تعليمه ودراساته في حتى حصل على درجة التخصص الماجستير، في الأدب الشرقي والغربي، من جامعة بريشتينا أيضا وهذا أكسبه ثقافة أدبية عالية الجودة، زيادة على مهارته الفائقة، وحذقه في مجال الأدب والشعر.
وأعماله في تنمية الأمة الألبانية ورفع كفاءتها، ومساندتها وحماية تراثها والحفاظ على هويتها ليس فقط قاصراً على الأعمال الأدبية، وإنما شغل عدة أعمال مهارية وإدارية .
وأسندت إليه أعمال أخرى استطاع من خلالها أن يخدم الأمة الألبانية ومنطقة البلقان خدمة جليلة، إذ أنه عمل مديراً للمجلس المحلي لثقافة الشباب والرياضة في مدينة راهوفيك.
وفي إبريل 2004 وحتى مارس 2005 في فوشترى-Vushtrri عمل في تدريب خاص لشرطة كوسوفا والأمن العام، وحضر دورات تدريبية في كل من مجال الطب الشرعي والمخدرات ، والجمارك ، وعلم حركة المقذوفات والتحقيقات والاستخبارات وفي سبتمبر 2003 وحتى 2004 عمل كمطور لمناهج في GPDC أحد مشروعات UNDP لتغطية طاقة الشباب الحكومية وغير الحكومية لتأسيس قيادة تستند على قيم راسخة.
وفي يناير عام 2001 وحتى ديسمبر عام 2002 عمل بمنظمة الأمن والتعاون الأوروبية OSCE .
ثم كان مسؤولاً عن تدريب فريق العمل المحلي والدولي على إجراء الانتخابات كمساندة للانتخابات الديمقراطية اللاحقة في كوسوفا ، وعمل بشكل فعال في فريق مرسلاً تقارير للمكتب الرئيسي ، وقد تم التدريب بثلاث لغات : الألبانية ، والصربية للنظراء المحليين، والإنجليزية للزملاء الدوليين.
وقاد- أيضا- دورات التدريب في المقاطعات الصربية في كوسوفا ، الأمر الذي برهن على مقدرته وكفاءته على العمل بشكل حيادي في المناطق الخطرة سياسياً.
وقام- أيضا- بالعمل كمترجم إداري ومساعد، عاملاً مع مشرف لإعداد مادة الانتخابات والتقديرات الخاصة بقرية والخرائط ، وأيضا توظيف فريق عمل مترجمون وسائقون.
وفي أيام الانتخابات قام بدور العضو الرئيسي المسؤول عن فريق العمل التنفيذي ليوم الانتخابات.
هذا وقد أدى عدة دورات تدريبية في مجالات عديدة وحيوية منها :
أنواع الأنظمة الانتخابية الخاصة بثلاث بلديات وتم تسليمها إلى MEC.
تقديم الاتفاقات والمعارضات إلى لجنة الشكاوى والتحقيقات الانتخابية وتم تسليمها إلى فريق العمل الخاص بــ OSCE عام 2002م.
التصويت المبكر عام 2002.
التصويت المحصور محلياً بسبب الخوف والعجز عام 2002م.
فترات خدمة الناخب عام 2001 – 2002م.
تصويت ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة عام 2002م.
تدريب بمحطة الإشراف على تسجيل أصوات الناخبين الدولية عام 2001م.
فترة التحدى وتم تسليمه إلى فريق عمل محلي ودولي عام 2001م.
تدريب مدربين إجراءات تسجيل وإحصاء أصوات الناخبين 2001م.
السيطرة النوعية على يوم الانتخاب عام 2001 – 2002م.
العضو الرئيسي المسؤول عن فريق العمل التنفيذي ليوم الانتخاب مع مجموعة mec لجنة الانتخابات البلدية وipps محطة الإشراف على تسجيل أصوات الناخبين الدولية عام 2001 – 2002م.
مساعدة لغة بقسم انتخاب OSCE وكان يعمل للمشرف الرئيسي في إعداد مادة منهج الانتخاب وتقييم قرية، وإعداد الخرائط وعمل اختبارات للمترجمين وتجنيد سائقين، وفي ذلك أظهر كفاءة عالية في القدرة على العمل الشاق والبقاء لساعات طويلة بمكان العمل بصورة تفوق التوقعات.
ومن أعماله العظيمة والتي خدم من خلالها الأمة الألبانية :
[1] مترجم لقوات كوسوفا KFOR من يوليو 1999- مارس 2000.
[2] مساعدة لغة بــ UKKDOM ديسمبر 1998 – يناير 1999م.
[3] مساعد لغة لبعثة تحقيقات كوسوفا KVM يناير 1999 مارس 1999م.
[4] معلم لغة إنجليزية بمدرسة ثانوية براهوفيك كوسوفا سبتمبر 1998 يونيو 2000م.
[5] رئيس فريق وسكرتير باستوديو الفن NGO للأدب والمسرح .
ونظراً لمهارته ومعرفته الممتازة للغة الإنجليزية ساعده ذلك على اكتساب خبرة كبيرة أدت إلى قدرته الفائقة للعمل بالمنظمات الدولية قبل وبعد النزاع في كوسوفا، وكذا معرفته الشاملة باللغات المحلية ساعده على أن يحسن من مهارات علاقاته واتصالاته بالعديد من المؤسسات والمنظمات المحلية والدولية، وأن يزيد من فرص عمله مع أشخاص ذوى حلفيات عرقية ودينية متنوعة.
وهو يتحدث اللغات التالية بطلاقة ومهارة فائقة، الألبانية، الصربية، البوسنية، الإنجليزية، التركية.
أما عن مهارات الحاسب الآلي ولديه معرفة جيدة بالعمل على كافة برامجه بالإضافة إلى العمل بمهارة على شبكة الأنترنت.
أما عن تراثه وأعماله المطبوعة فله العديد من الأعمال والنشرات التي تدل على تفوقه ومهارته ومنها :
[1] NUN مختارات من القصائد الشعرية نشرت في عام 1996م.
[2] التعدد الخفى رواية نشرت في عام 2000م.
[3] أغنيتى ( أنشودتي ) تصل إلى أعلى السحاب – شعر غنائي عام 2000م.
[4] مقدمة شعرية، في المعسكر الهولندي براهوفتش كوسوفا عام 2000م.
[5] S.O.S مسرحية استعراضية عام 2001م.
[6] تقديم شعري على تدشين مكتبة المدينة في راهوفيك عام 2001م.
[7] تقديم شعرى على يوم التحرير مارس 2000م.
[8] نشر قصيدة شعرية في البوسنة باللغة البوسنية 2004م.
[9] رواية نكتارينا NECTARINA نشر من قبل دار نشر روزافا بريشتينا، مدعمة مالياً بواسطة وزارة الثقافة 2004م.
[10] نقد فنى في افتتاح معرض فنى للرسام الأكاديمي سيلامي هاجياها يونيو 2005م.
[11] نقد فنى في افتتاح معرض فنى للرسام الأكاديمي هوجا.
[12] مذيع في محطة الراديو المحلية / برامج ثقافية، يونيو 2000- يونيو 2002.
[13] يكتب بشكل دوري لصحيفة JAVA التي تنشر في بريشتينا لترقى بلهجة Gheg الألبانية .
أما عن نشاطاته التطوعية فله نشاط عظيم في ذلك ومن نشاطاته :
[1] عضو ومساعد مؤسس فرع الصليب الأحمر فوراً بعد الحرب في كوسوفا 1999.
[2] دور نشيط في توزيع المساعدات بالتعاون مع هيئة الإغاثة المحلية NGOBEREQETI 1999م.
[3] مساعد مؤسس مجلس شباب راهوفيك وجمعية NGO لمنظمات الشباب 2001.
[4] مؤسس ستوديو الفن NGO لتقديم أنواع مختلفة من مدارس الفن 2000م.
وبناء على ذلك فإن الأديب الكبير فخر الدين شيهو يعد من أبرز الألبان الذين ساهموا بجهود عظيمة في التراث الأدبي الألباني، بل من الذين أدوا دوراً مؤثراً في الحياة الألبانية بشكل عام، فله أعظم تحية وإجلال.
فخر الدين شيهو – Fahredin Shehu
وجهوده في ثراء التراث الأدبي الألباني
بقلم:الأستاذ الدكتور/ بكر إسماعيل الكوسوفي
الأدب الألباني بفنيه الشعر والنثر حدثت له طفرة تقدمية في المائة سنة الأخيرة وذلك بسبب قيام رجال الأدب والثقافة الألبان بواجبهم تجاه التراث الأدبي الألباني، وعملوا بكل قوة وبذلوا كل جهد للحفاظ على الهوية الأدبية الألبانية.
وبناء على ذلك ظهرت على الساحة أعمال أدبية في قمة الروعة والجمال، سواء في الشعر أو في النثر، وغدت الأمة الألبانية من أبرز الأمم التي تنعم بتراث أصيل ينال الجوائز التقديرية في الندوات والمسابقات والمهرجانات ، وحقق الألبان في هذا المضمار شوطاً كبيراً.
والسيد الأستاذ الأديب والشاعر فخر الدين شيهو واحد من أبرز الأدباء الألبان الذين بذلوا جهوداً مضنية من أجل حماية التراث الأدبي الألباني، والحفاظ عليه وتنميته لأقصى درجة ممكنة ومن يقرأ مشوار حياته يلاحظ أنه من الأدباء والشعراء المبرزين ليس فقط على الساحة المحلية وإنما أيضا على الساحة الدولية وهذا بدوره يعطيه مكانة مرموقة في صفوف الأدباء الألبان.
والأديب فخر الدين شيهو لم يصل إلى هذه المكانة جزافاً، وإنما بعد دراسات متعمقة في الأدب الشرقي والغربي، وتمكنه من معرفة الاتجاهات الأدبية والشعرية محلياً ودولياً، إذ أنه درس في جامعة بريشتينا – قسم الدراسات الشرقية من سنة 1990 وحتى سنة 1997م، ثم واصل تعليمه ودراساته في حتى حصل على درجة التخصص الماجستير، في الأدب الشرقي والغربي، من جامعة بريشتينا أيضا وهذا أكسبه ثقافة أدبية عالية الجودة، زيادة على مهارته الفائقة، وحذقه في مجال الأدب والشعر.
وأعماله في تنمية الأمة الألبانية ورفع كفاءتها، ومساندتها وحماية تراثها والحفاظ على هويتها ليس فقط قاصراً على الأعمال الأدبية، وإنما شغل عدة أعمال مهارية وإدارية .
وأسندت إليه أعمال أخرى استطاع من خلالها أن يخدم الأمة الألبانية ومنطقة البلقان خدمة جليلة، إذ أنه عمل مديراً للمجلس المحلي لثقافة الشباب والرياضة في مدينة راهوفيك.
وفي إبريل 2004 وحتى مارس 2005 في فوشترى-Vushtrri عمل في تدريب خاص لشرطة كوسوفا والأمن العام، وحضر دورات تدريبية في كل من مجال الطب الشرعي والمخدرات ، والجمارك ، وعلم حركة المقذوفات والتحقيقات والاستخبارات وفي سبتمبر 2003 وحتى 2004 عمل كمطور لمناهج في GPDC أحد مشروعات UNDP لتغطية طاقة الشباب الحكومية وغير الحكومية لتأسيس قيادة تستند على قيم راسخة.
وفي يناير عام 2001 وحتى ديسمبر عام 2002 عمل بمنظمة الأمن والتعاون الأوروبية OSCE .
ثم كان مسؤولاً عن تدريب فريق العمل المحلي والدولي على إجراء الانتخابات كمساندة للانتخابات الديمقراطية اللاحقة في كوسوفا ، وعمل بشكل فعال في فريق مرسلاً تقارير للمكتب الرئيسي ، وقد تم التدريب بثلاث لغات : الألبانية ، والصربية للنظراء المحليين، والإنجليزية للزملاء الدوليين.
وقاد- أيضا- دورات التدريب في المقاطعات الصربية في كوسوفا ، الأمر الذي برهن على مقدرته وكفاءته على العمل بشكل حيادي في المناطق الخطرة سياسياً.
وقام- أيضا- بالعمل كمترجم إداري ومساعد، عاملاً مع مشرف لإعداد مادة الانتخابات والتقديرات الخاصة بقرية والخرائط ، وأيضا توظيف فريق عمل مترجمون وسائقون.
وفي أيام الانتخابات قام بدور العضو الرئيسي المسؤول عن فريق العمل التنفيذي ليوم الانتخابات.
هذا وقد أدى عدة دورات تدريبية في مجالات عديدة وحيوية منها :
أنواع الأنظمة الانتخابية الخاصة بثلاث بلديات وتم تسليمها إلى MEC.
تقديم الاتفاقات والمعارضات إلى لجنة الشكاوى والتحقيقات الانتخابية وتم تسليمها إلى فريق العمل الخاص بــ OSCE عام 2002م.
التصويت المبكر عام 2002.
التصويت المحصور محلياً بسبب الخوف والعجز عام 2002م.
فترات خدمة الناخب عام 2001 – 2002م.
تصويت ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة عام 2002م.
تدريب بمحطة الإشراف على تسجيل أصوات الناخبين الدولية عام 2001م.
فترة التحدى وتم تسليمه إلى فريق عمل محلي ودولي عام 2001م.
تدريب مدربين إجراءات تسجيل وإحصاء أصوات الناخبين 2001م.
السيطرة النوعية على يوم الانتخاب عام 2001 – 2002م.
العضو الرئيسي المسؤول عن فريق العمل التنفيذي ليوم الانتخاب مع مجموعة mec لجنة الانتخابات البلدية وipps محطة الإشراف على تسجيل أصوات الناخبين الدولية عام 2001 – 2002م.
مساعدة لغة بقسم انتخاب OSCE وكان يعمل للمشرف الرئيسي في إعداد مادة منهج الانتخاب وتقييم قرية، وإعداد الخرائط وعمل اختبارات للمترجمين وتجنيد سائقين، وفي ذلك أظهر كفاءة عالية في القدرة على العمل الشاق والبقاء لساعات طويلة بمكان العمل بصورة تفوق التوقعات.
ومن أعماله العظيمة والتي خدم من خلالها الأمة الألبانية :
[1] مترجم لقوات كوسوفا KFOR من يوليو 1999- مارس 2000.
[2] مساعدة لغة بــ UKKDOM ديسمبر 1998 – يناير 1999م.
[3] مساعد لغة لبعثة تحقيقات كوسوفا KVM يناير 1999 مارس 1999م.
[4] معلم لغة إنجليزية بمدرسة ثانوية براهوفيك كوسوفا سبتمبر 1998 يونيو 2000م.
[5] رئيس فريق وسكرتير باستوديو الفن NGO للأدب والمسرح .
ونظراً لمهارته ومعرفته الممتازة للغة الإنجليزية ساعده ذلك على اكتساب خبرة كبيرة أدت إلى قدرته الفائقة للعمل بالمنظمات الدولية قبل وبعد النزاع في كوسوفا، وكذا معرفته الشاملة باللغات المحلية ساعده على أن يحسن من مهارات علاقاته واتصالاته بالعديد من المؤسسات والمنظمات المحلية والدولية، وأن يزيد من فرص عمله مع أشخاص ذوى حلفيات عرقية ودينية متنوعة.
وهو يتحدث اللغات التالية بطلاقة ومهارة فائقة، الألبانية، الصربية، البوسنية، الإنجليزية، التركية.
أما عن مهارات الحاسب الآلي ولديه معرفة جيدة بالعمل على كافة برامجه بالإضافة إلى العمل بمهارة على شبكة الأنترنت.
أما عن تراثه وأعماله المطبوعة فله العديد من الأعمال والنشرات التي تدل على تفوقه ومهارته ومنها :
[1] NUN مختارات من القصائد الشعرية نشرت في عام 1996م.
[2] التعدد الخفى رواية نشرت في عام 2000م.
[3] أغنيتى ( أنشودتي ) تصل إلى أعلى السحاب – شعر غنائي عام 2000م.
[4] مقدمة شعرية، في المعسكر الهولندي براهوفتش كوسوفا عام 2000م.
[5] S.O.S مسرحية استعراضية عام 2001م.
[6] تقديم شعري على تدشين مكتبة المدينة في راهوفيك عام 2001م.
[7] تقديم شعرى على يوم التحرير مارس 2000م.
[8] نشر قصيدة شعرية في البوسنة باللغة البوسنية 2004م.
[9] رواية نكتارينا NECTARINA نشر من قبل دار نشر روزافا بريشتينا، مدعمة مالياً بواسطة وزارة الثقافة 2004م.
[10] نقد فنى في افتتاح معرض فنى للرسام الأكاديمي سيلامي هاجياها يونيو 2005م.
[11] نقد فنى في افتتاح معرض فنى للرسام الأكاديمي هوجا.
[12] مذيع في محطة الراديو المحلية / برامج ثقافية، يونيو 2000- يونيو 2002.
[13] يكتب بشكل دوري لصحيفة JAVA التي تنشر في بريشتينا لترقى بلهجة Gheg الألبانية .
أما عن نشاطاته التطوعية فله نشاط عظيم في ذلك ومن نشاطاته :
[1] عضو ومساعد مؤسس فرع الصليب الأحمر فوراً بعد الحرب في كوسوفا 1999.
[2] دور نشيط في توزيع المساعدات بالتعاون مع هيئة الإغاثة المحلية NGOBEREQETI 1999م.
[3] مساعد مؤسس مجلس شباب راهوفيك وجمعية NGO لمنظمات الشباب 2001.
[4] مؤسس ستوديو الفن NGO لتقديم أنواع مختلفة من مدارس الفن 2000م.
وبناء على ذلك فإن الأديب الكبير فخر الدين شيهو يعد من أبرز الألبان الذين ساهموا بجهود عظيمة في التراث الأدبي الألباني، بل من الذين أدوا دوراً مؤثراً في الحياة الألبانية بشكل عام، فله أعظم تحية وإجلال.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The plankton of Ketmans
The dormant violation of human rights of Muslims in a country with 93% of Muslim population
Herein is a response to five quivering questions that bother normal mortals in Kosova whose can not articulate their concern with the liquid eloquence as they do in their state of contemplation?
1. What is the position of Islam in Kosova?
It's tragic to rise up this question in very delicate political circumstances of Kosova when it shall determine its ontological existence. In quinta essentia - the lack of faith in a leadership is the primary symptom of its failure, since historically have been proved that the artificial states existed for very short period of time.
Islam in Kosova is in the position to give much more thanks to its' potential and inherited values but the risk from puritan infiltrations (read: Semitic) of some branches that are exposed to Muslim believer in Kosova are undressing Islam and deny it's complementary beauty of Muslim Phenomenon.
A Muslim believer is a bit confused since there's no legitimate religious Institution that is registered in a new Kosovan reality and its clandestine institution without legitimacy; with such a Theologian faculty which is not in the frame of Ministry of Education. These parallel institutions are creating more mass than order since they produce crippled cadre with unrefined spirituality and echolalics.
Islam is almost absent from the public life since media on Islam is talking only with the language of hatred and only then when it comes to denigration. Albanian/Kosovan Muslim is inferior and unaware of his spiritual values he possesses therefore I like the idea of late Alija Izetbegovic that Muslim should undergo Islamization, pointing to ethical values, scientific and Islamization of knowledge as a concept of late Dr. Ismail Rajji Al Faruqi from International Institute of Muslim Thought in Virginia, USA.
Imagine a population which majority is Muslim to build a cathedral. Why not? since as human rights activist I believe that Kosova should also have a synagogue where the Jews may pray in their temple which are present enough as international community in Kosova with unsatisfactorily interference with Kosovan population in order to learn from latent Kosovan ecumenism. But since this is not happening to be us are witnesses of spiritual level being poor. For instance the Evangelical community faces the problems either by Catholic or Muslim community since within their orders they have converts from both communities and consequently the bear a diverse ignoring; for instance a difficulties to bury their believers. Also the Sufi Community (in Dukagjini area) is neglected and frequently faces the refusals.
2. How much are Kosovan Institutions dedicated to apply Muslim Values within the system of country's social values?
Kosovan institutions legally aren't Muslim since they do not follow Muslim ethics and we are witnessing it. If our institutions would have Muslim ethical values we would not have such misuse of positions. They are also inferior to themselves to their creed so you can not find example in the world. If we consider an example from our neighbor Serbia where the Prime Minister Kostunica is a member of the Orthodox Church and the Church decides the fate of the people and makes strategy for 100 years. Also the fact of USA, the Bush case and Evangelism, the US Dollar with the famous slogan "We trust in God".
Only we are ashamed that we are Muslims only we are to regret being Muslims for this people of Iran do not lament that they abandoned Zoroastrianism neither Scandinavians left their believe in God ODIN and many other gods and convert to Christianity, neither do Christians regret to believe primarily in a Jewish god YAHWE and now they believe in Christ.
3. Should we allow the wearing of a headscarf of Muslim woman at schools and in other public institutions?
The question itself the best reflects the circumstances where Islam stands in Kosova. Today in Germany women undress their stomachs to display their growing fetus and they are proud that for few months they'll become mothers. If in this case is pride to wear a headscarf why should we ban from this fundamental right. Nobody in Kosova is disturbed having a professor in Faculty of Psychology at Public University in Prishtina who is from Israel who wears and being proud of his Yarmulka- Kippah in his head (Jewish skullcap) to honor God, nobody in Kosova neither in the world is disturbed with the Hindu Sari of Mother Teresa, nobody UN is disturbed with Sikh turban and Police uniform of UN, nobody is disturbed if a girl has piercing in tongue or ear and color her hair with several rainbow colors or have tattoo in the most erotic body parts, why should somebody be bothered with the headscarf?, if it's part of somebody's identity, in this case religious identity, and we all know that religion is one of the fundamentals of human rights.
The headscarf doesn't make Kosova a European Jamahiriya since Europe knows better then us as for what Muslims we are, since Europe faced Islam in Medieval times and now Spain as head of OSCE (The minister of Foreign Affairs Miguel Angel Morations) organizes International, against Islamophobia in Europe.
4. NGO's that deal with Muslim Issue that operates in Kosova are being focused as propagators of Islam. Is it allowed and/or is it benefactor for or damaging the Kosovan Society?
The nature of NGO is to protect the rights of citizens, COHU (rise up) is fighting corruption in Kosova, VEVTVENDOSJA (movement for Self determination) is against failed Kosovan Leadership, NËNA TËREZE (Mother Teresa) works on Humanitarian aid, War veteran Association fights for the transgressed rights of this category of people, also the NGO's that deal with Muslim issue feels that they have to protect the rights of Muslim minority therefore let us listen to them.
Regarding how much benefactor is learning about Islam I believe that is very useful, since Islam do not teach killing and stagnation; Islam was avant- garde response to Paganism and Medieval European Dark Age, Sufism was a response to Greek Philosophy etc. But we must bear in mind how it is conceived. Islam means subordination to the God's will, hence it's not a God's will to kill people but in one place Muhammad says that… the one who cures somebody has rewards as he saved the mankind therefore Palestinian Kamikaze and the Islam policy of Al Qaeda has nothing to do with the peaceful spirit of Islam. I'm bewildered why people do not read Hadith, Rumi, Ibn Arabi, Avicenna, Avveroës, Omar Khayyam, Saadi, Iqbal, Fethulah Gulen, Harun Yahya, Renë Guenon, Fritjoff Schoun, Louis Massignon, Miguel Assin Palaios, Annemarie Schiemmel, William Chittik, Kabir Helminski, but identifies Islam with Bin Laden.
5. There's opinion that these NGO's have taken the advantage from the difficult economical situation in Kosova and through certain amounts of money they influence girls and boys to embrace principals and regulations of Muslim Faith. Is this their aim or it might be only a blackmail?
This is the consequence that Kosovan Institutions do not have programs for proper education hence NGO's are here to fill this gap and they are not only these Muslim NGO's, Kosova after the war has been attacked by more than 1000 missionary organizations from world's diverse religious sects that took advantage of difficult economical circumstances. We had the case or American Professor in a Public University in Prishtina which is secular, free Bible distribution as a part of Modern American Political Thought??? I can not bring example of Kosova Albanian Professor (neither foreigner with the Muslim background) distributing free Qur'an in a secular University. Therefore here we must be careful with the double standards. We must understand that not all Americans are Bill Clinton or Madeleine Albright; neither all Arabs are Bin Laden and what makes me laughing and crying in the same time here that neither Muslims nor Catholic Albanians are reading Khalil Gibran just because he is an Arab regardless of the fact that he is Maronite Christian.
In the very end Kosova shouldn't lament for the converts since it does not need the Ketmans, hence I consider that this trend shouldn't be frightening to nobody since at the end everybody will find its golden macadam. The most important is the respect for all present religion perpetrations in a free manner, legitimate, institutional then we can see the real face of this society if we want to create a democratic society with equal opportunities for all and listen to the concerns of people and advocate for their transgressed rights.
Actually Kosova is superficial plankton of Ketmans.
Herein is a response to five quivering questions that bother normal mortals in Kosova whose can not articulate their concern with the liquid eloquence as they do in their state of contemplation?
1. What is the position of Islam in Kosova?
It's tragic to rise up this question in very delicate political circumstances of Kosova when it shall determine its ontological existence. In quinta essentia - the lack of faith in a leadership is the primary symptom of its failure, since historically have been proved that the artificial states existed for very short period of time.
Islam in Kosova is in the position to give much more thanks to its' potential and inherited values but the risk from puritan infiltrations (read: Semitic) of some branches that are exposed to Muslim believer in Kosova are undressing Islam and deny it's complementary beauty of Muslim Phenomenon.
A Muslim believer is a bit confused since there's no legitimate religious Institution that is registered in a new Kosovan reality and its clandestine institution without legitimacy; with such a Theologian faculty which is not in the frame of Ministry of Education. These parallel institutions are creating more mass than order since they produce crippled cadre with unrefined spirituality and echolalics.
Islam is almost absent from the public life since media on Islam is talking only with the language of hatred and only then when it comes to denigration. Albanian/Kosovan Muslim is inferior and unaware of his spiritual values he possesses therefore I like the idea of late Alija Izetbegovic that Muslim should undergo Islamization, pointing to ethical values, scientific and Islamization of knowledge as a concept of late Dr. Ismail Rajji Al Faruqi from International Institute of Muslim Thought in Virginia, USA.
Imagine a population which majority is Muslim to build a cathedral. Why not? since as human rights activist I believe that Kosova should also have a synagogue where the Jews may pray in their temple which are present enough as international community in Kosova with unsatisfactorily interference with Kosovan population in order to learn from latent Kosovan ecumenism. But since this is not happening to be us are witnesses of spiritual level being poor. For instance the Evangelical community faces the problems either by Catholic or Muslim community since within their orders they have converts from both communities and consequently the bear a diverse ignoring; for instance a difficulties to bury their believers. Also the Sufi Community (in Dukagjini area) is neglected and frequently faces the refusals.
2. How much are Kosovan Institutions dedicated to apply Muslim Values within the system of country's social values?
Kosovan institutions legally aren't Muslim since they do not follow Muslim ethics and we are witnessing it. If our institutions would have Muslim ethical values we would not have such misuse of positions. They are also inferior to themselves to their creed so you can not find example in the world. If we consider an example from our neighbor Serbia where the Prime Minister Kostunica is a member of the Orthodox Church and the Church decides the fate of the people and makes strategy for 100 years. Also the fact of USA, the Bush case and Evangelism, the US Dollar with the famous slogan "We trust in God".
Only we are ashamed that we are Muslims only we are to regret being Muslims for this people of Iran do not lament that they abandoned Zoroastrianism neither Scandinavians left their believe in God ODIN and many other gods and convert to Christianity, neither do Christians regret to believe primarily in a Jewish god YAHWE and now they believe in Christ.
3. Should we allow the wearing of a headscarf of Muslim woman at schools and in other public institutions?
The question itself the best reflects the circumstances where Islam stands in Kosova. Today in Germany women undress their stomachs to display their growing fetus and they are proud that for few months they'll become mothers. If in this case is pride to wear a headscarf why should we ban from this fundamental right. Nobody in Kosova is disturbed having a professor in Faculty of Psychology at Public University in Prishtina who is from Israel who wears and being proud of his Yarmulka- Kippah in his head (Jewish skullcap) to honor God, nobody in Kosova neither in the world is disturbed with the Hindu Sari of Mother Teresa, nobody UN is disturbed with Sikh turban and Police uniform of UN, nobody is disturbed if a girl has piercing in tongue or ear and color her hair with several rainbow colors or have tattoo in the most erotic body parts, why should somebody be bothered with the headscarf?, if it's part of somebody's identity, in this case religious identity, and we all know that religion is one of the fundamentals of human rights.
The headscarf doesn't make Kosova a European Jamahiriya since Europe knows better then us as for what Muslims we are, since Europe faced Islam in Medieval times and now Spain as head of OSCE (The minister of Foreign Affairs Miguel Angel Morations) organizes International, against Islamophobia in Europe.
4. NGO's that deal with Muslim Issue that operates in Kosova are being focused as propagators of Islam. Is it allowed and/or is it benefactor for or damaging the Kosovan Society?
The nature of NGO is to protect the rights of citizens, COHU (rise up) is fighting corruption in Kosova, VEVTVENDOSJA (movement for Self determination) is against failed Kosovan Leadership, NËNA TËREZE (Mother Teresa) works on Humanitarian aid, War veteran Association fights for the transgressed rights of this category of people, also the NGO's that deal with Muslim issue feels that they have to protect the rights of Muslim minority therefore let us listen to them.
Regarding how much benefactor is learning about Islam I believe that is very useful, since Islam do not teach killing and stagnation; Islam was avant- garde response to Paganism and Medieval European Dark Age, Sufism was a response to Greek Philosophy etc. But we must bear in mind how it is conceived. Islam means subordination to the God's will, hence it's not a God's will to kill people but in one place Muhammad says that… the one who cures somebody has rewards as he saved the mankind therefore Palestinian Kamikaze and the Islam policy of Al Qaeda has nothing to do with the peaceful spirit of Islam. I'm bewildered why people do not read Hadith, Rumi, Ibn Arabi, Avicenna, Avveroës, Omar Khayyam, Saadi, Iqbal, Fethulah Gulen, Harun Yahya, Renë Guenon, Fritjoff Schoun, Louis Massignon, Miguel Assin Palaios, Annemarie Schiemmel, William Chittik, Kabir Helminski, but identifies Islam with Bin Laden.
5. There's opinion that these NGO's have taken the advantage from the difficult economical situation in Kosova and through certain amounts of money they influence girls and boys to embrace principals and regulations of Muslim Faith. Is this their aim or it might be only a blackmail?
This is the consequence that Kosovan Institutions do not have programs for proper education hence NGO's are here to fill this gap and they are not only these Muslim NGO's, Kosova after the war has been attacked by more than 1000 missionary organizations from world's diverse religious sects that took advantage of difficult economical circumstances. We had the case or American Professor in a Public University in Prishtina which is secular, free Bible distribution as a part of Modern American Political Thought??? I can not bring example of Kosova Albanian Professor (neither foreigner with the Muslim background) distributing free Qur'an in a secular University. Therefore here we must be careful with the double standards. We must understand that not all Americans are Bill Clinton or Madeleine Albright; neither all Arabs are Bin Laden and what makes me laughing and crying in the same time here that neither Muslims nor Catholic Albanians are reading Khalil Gibran just because he is an Arab regardless of the fact that he is Maronite Christian.
In the very end Kosova shouldn't lament for the converts since it does not need the Ketmans, hence I consider that this trend shouldn't be frightening to nobody since at the end everybody will find its golden macadam. The most important is the respect for all present religion perpetrations in a free manner, legitimate, institutional then we can see the real face of this society if we want to create a democratic society with equal opportunities for all and listen to the concerns of people and advocate for their transgressed rights.
Actually Kosova is superficial plankton of Ketmans.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
By Fahredin Shehu
October 2007, Prishtinë, Kosovë
There are two Jewish writers I really appreciate till adornment; its Gustave Meyrink and Isaac Bashevis Singer and they taught me about the Legend of the Golem of Prague created by the founder of Hasidism; a Jewish Mystic Baal Shem Tov. The Golem Clay manlike creature was created to protect the Jews from the atrocities of Christians toward the Ashkenazi Jews. The Legend ends tragically that Golem became insubordinate to a master…thus now we have a Golem State USA and it’s policy to really at the end unite two billion Muslims all around the world by suppressing whatever is of Muslim value although USA a Democratic that respects human rights but seems only in its yard. Democracy is typically Darwinist type of leadership when the strongest wins for its existence so in order to achieve this one must fight whatever is alien to its lack of proper and unbiased communication. Thus USA is really attempting to finally unite Muslim once achieved separation with the extreme support to Zionist’s atrocities in Palestine, Iraq War and conflict with Iran on nuclear energy. Now we have Turkey on the queue with Nancy Pelosi initiative for Armenian bill for the genocide of Ottoman Empire that does not exists. Maybe in a few years we’ll have a bill to Egypt of Rhamses II or Tuthmose III (for this Historians have to decide) that expelled Moses with the children of Israel form Egypt.
It’s this very Jews (primarily AIPAC) that should arise against Pelosi and peers as its public secret that Turkey is training Israeli Pilots and Israel is training Turkish Intelligence. It’s this Turkey that stands as the bridge for crossing from Medieval to a Contemporary type of Muslim rule, it’s this very Turkey in other hand that serves as litmus for other Muslim countries as for how should deal with the wealthy and materialistically developed West but not with the spiritual one since a barbarian is dormant and he is evoked by so called American Armageddonists and oh…yeah and Tancredo desire to bombard Mekka and Medina which will really unite even the most liberal category of Muslims. With all the service that Turkey as the only Muslim country founder of NATO Alliance have done has not been caressed as Serbia for instance but punished instead for the inherited atrocities from Corpora Empire that left a distinguished remnants in the history of mankind. Now seems that what Muslims didn’t act to unite so far USA will urge them to do so.
What Turkey may now do is to make a political, economic and military Alliance with the Turkish descendent countries as Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan etc. since seems that Europe will never accept Turkey in EU just as without any bewilderment EU watched with crossed hands how Milosevic slayer 8000 people in Srebrenica and about to do similar in Kosova and this happened just yesterday not 100 years ago.
The New World Order has to flow with its natural Adagio not as MC Donald or instant Illumination through Transcendental Meditation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The Roman Empire lasted for five centuries just as Ottoman one not because of hasty or instant decisions but because of its natural development, since its very easy now to destroy the world but much… much… much… difficult to make it beautiful safe and sound.
It was Medieval West that translated Islam into understandable language having Ibn Rushd as Averroës, Ibn Sina as Avicenna, Ibn Arabi as Doctor Maximus now the turn is on USA to do so firstly by giving more equal opportunity to Muslims par excellence in order to diminish the role of so-called Islam-fascist that are the outcome of confusing attitude of the world political powers VS Islam.
I do strongly believe that American Jews will play intelligent role and find the way of dialogue with Muslims particularly with Turkey as they did in Al Andalusia before some new American Ferdinand and Isabel expatriate them from USA in the years to come.
published also in www.worldbulletin.com
By Fahredin Shehu
October 2007, Prishtinë, Kosovë
There are two Jewish writers I really appreciate till adornment; its Gustave Meyrink and Isaac Bashevis Singer and they taught me about the Legend of the Golem of Prague created by the founder of Hasidism; a Jewish Mystic Baal Shem Tov. The Golem Clay manlike creature was created to protect the Jews from the atrocities of Christians toward the Ashkenazi Jews. The Legend ends tragically that Golem became insubordinate to a master…thus now we have a Golem State USA and it’s policy to really at the end unite two billion Muslims all around the world by suppressing whatever is of Muslim value although USA a Democratic that respects human rights but seems only in its yard. Democracy is typically Darwinist type of leadership when the strongest wins for its existence so in order to achieve this one must fight whatever is alien to its lack of proper and unbiased communication. Thus USA is really attempting to finally unite Muslim once achieved separation with the extreme support to Zionist’s atrocities in Palestine, Iraq War and conflict with Iran on nuclear energy. Now we have Turkey on the queue with Nancy Pelosi initiative for Armenian bill for the genocide of Ottoman Empire that does not exists. Maybe in a few years we’ll have a bill to Egypt of Rhamses II or Tuthmose III (for this Historians have to decide) that expelled Moses with the children of Israel form Egypt.
It’s this very Jews (primarily AIPAC) that should arise against Pelosi and peers as its public secret that Turkey is training Israeli Pilots and Israel is training Turkish Intelligence. It’s this Turkey that stands as the bridge for crossing from Medieval to a Contemporary type of Muslim rule, it’s this very Turkey in other hand that serves as litmus for other Muslim countries as for how should deal with the wealthy and materialistically developed West but not with the spiritual one since a barbarian is dormant and he is evoked by so called American Armageddonists and oh…yeah and Tancredo desire to bombard Mekka and Medina which will really unite even the most liberal category of Muslims. With all the service that Turkey as the only Muslim country founder of NATO Alliance have done has not been caressed as Serbia for instance but punished instead for the inherited atrocities from Corpora Empire that left a distinguished remnants in the history of mankind. Now seems that what Muslims didn’t act to unite so far USA will urge them to do so.
What Turkey may now do is to make a political, economic and military Alliance with the Turkish descendent countries as Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan etc. since seems that Europe will never accept Turkey in EU just as without any bewilderment EU watched with crossed hands how Milosevic slayer 8000 people in Srebrenica and about to do similar in Kosova and this happened just yesterday not 100 years ago.
The New World Order has to flow with its natural Adagio not as MC Donald or instant Illumination through Transcendental Meditation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The Roman Empire lasted for five centuries just as Ottoman one not because of hasty or instant decisions but because of its natural development, since its very easy now to destroy the world but much… much… much… difficult to make it beautiful safe and sound.
It was Medieval West that translated Islam into understandable language having Ibn Rushd as Averroës, Ibn Sina as Avicenna, Ibn Arabi as Doctor Maximus now the turn is on USA to do so firstly by giving more equal opportunity to Muslims par excellence in order to diminish the role of so-called Islam-fascist that are the outcome of confusing attitude of the world political powers VS Islam.
I do strongly believe that American Jews will play intelligent role and find the way of dialogue with Muslims particularly with Turkey as they did in Al Andalusia before some new American Ferdinand and Isabel expatriate them from USA in the years to come.
published also in www.worldbulletin.com
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